Home to School Connection

Here are some suggestions to foster positive family interaction that will benifit your child's school experience:

* Each night make time to talk about at least one positive experience for each family member that happened during the day.
* Children who have responsibilities at home typically are more responsible outside of the home.  Even kindergartens should have one job at home to foster responsibility.

* Ask your child about their school day with specific questions such as “Who did you play with at recess today?”  “What did you read today at school?”  “What was your favorite thing you did today at school?”


* Monitor what your child watches on television.  We often find that children have nightmares which effect their sleep, their school day and their interactions with others.


* Plan a family night.  The TV should not be part of this event.  Choose something that encourages talking, having fun and spending time together.  Some of the best family activities are free.  Spend time and enjoy each others company.


* Children, as well as adults, experience stress during their day.  Take some time to agree upon some family strategies that work best for your busy schedules.  Some examples are:  taking 5 deep breathes together, counting to 10, 20 minutes cool down (quite time) for the entire family, play some soothing music in the home, take a family walk around the block, read a book or  best of all, just talk about it.


Adapted from Sandy Levy, Indian Grove School , Mt. Prospect , IL

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