A Heart to Heart Letter
for my 1st Grade Parents


Dear Parents,

First I would like to say that I am very excited to be working with you during this school year. Together we have the opportunity to make a positive impact on your child's educational achievement. I'm sure you want only the best for your child. I can assure you that it is my desire that every student in my class achieve to his or her fullest potential. In the process of learning I hope to instill in them self-confidence in their abilities. You will play a big role in the degree of your child's success, regardless of whether you ever come to the classroom. Let me share with you some interesting research findings* to demonstrate what I mean. Studies have shown that the single most influential factor in a child's school success was parental involvement at home. Meaning that kids who have parents who are involved with their education and work with them at home generally have a positive rate of achievement at school. As for kids who don't have home support...,well, they generally don't have a positive rate of achievement. Not to say that a child who doesn't have educational support at home can't or won't have success. The point is, how much more can be achieved if that support is there?

  A child's attitude is also often reflective of their parents' attitude. If a child's parents value education and see it as a priority, the child will adopt that attitude. It is important that this attitude is demonstrated through action as well as words. For example, demonstrate it by purposely having a time set aside each evening for doing homework and/or story reading practice. Let them know that what they do at school is important, by going through the completed work in the take-home folder and discussing the work that needs more practice. When a child knows that work done in the classroom is valued outside the classroom,by the most important people in their lives, they will be that much more inclined to give it their best effort.  

So, as you can see, the role you play in your child's education has an extremely important impact on your child's success. I thank you in advance for all the hard work you do.

            Ms. Dawn    
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  * Source: Raker, Amy J. L. & Soden, Laura M. (1998) The Challenges of Parent Involvement Research. New York, NY ERIC Clearinghouse  
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